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Certified Residential Home Inspections
A Neely Home provides our clients with detailed reports in a .pdf format that is easily viewed and easily printable. Our 100+point inspections include multiple forms of media, not limited to copy, photo and video to make an intuitive report that is sure to prove reliable.
11th Month Warranty Inspections
The first year of a builder’s warranty period is quite important as the builder has responsibility for a wider spectrum of defects during the first 12 months after purchase. Don’t miss the last chance you will have to get builder issues that may have occurred during that warranty period repaired. A Neeley Home is northern Colorado’s premier 11 Month Warranty Inspection Service with experience inspecting D.R. Horton, DreamFinders, Journey, Horizon View, St Aubyn, Bridgewater, American Legend, Lennar, Richmond and KB Homes to name a few.
48 Hour Radon Testing
If the home you are purchasing DOES NOT have a radon mitigation system and there is basement access, we highly advise you to get a radon test. Radon gas is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas that you can’t see or smell and levels are high in our part of the country.
A radon mitigation system can cost thousands of dollars installed, therefore testing to determine the radon levels of the home during the buying process is paramount. High levels can result in a financial gain for you if the seller agrees to install a system compared to the price of the test.
Protect your family, friends and pets by requesting a radon gas test by A Neeley Home when making an appointment.
Sewer Scope Videos
The sewer system is an often overlooked function of the home. Simply because once something goes down the drain it is “out of sight, out of mind.” That is, until your sewer line backs up and you get a bill of $10k, $20k or $30k. A Neeley Home offers affordable sewer scope videos, further discounted when bundled with a home inspection, to our clients to provide the most thorough inspection service you can find, regardless of price. We highly recommend getting a sewer scope performed for your real estate transaction as the high price of repair is a great negotiating point.